• +914842322177
  • 24 X 7 Casualty
  • OP 9.00 am – 9.00 pm

Diagnostic Imaging


Imaging with x-rays helps us get a picture of what's going on inside your pet, especially fractures or diseases that may be going on that we can visibly see on the inside of your pet. Imaging allows us to safely look inside your pet without having to get more invasive with it.

Ultrasound Scanning

Ultrasound Scanning

Ultrasound is a bit more specific for looking inside the organs. We can more easily see masses that might be hiding, we can evaluate the internal organs that you can't see them on an x-ray. It is an excellent way to get more information about your pet without doing something more invasive or more hurting or harmful to them.

Ultrasound imaging is very safe with no side effects. Scanning is helpful in early pregnancy diagnosis, assess the health of puppies inside the mother and also to get the expected date of delivery.