• +914842322177
  • 24 X 7 Casualty
  • OP 9.00 am – 9.00 pm

Pet Dental Clinic

Caring for pet dental needs is a big part of maintaining a pet’s health. The Cochin Pet Hospital offers services of all dental procedures to dogs and cats.

Why It Is Important To Take Care Of Pet Dental Health?

Taking care of your pet’s teeth is every bit as important as the rest of their body. If your pet suffers from a dental problem, in addition to pain, bacteria will settle into your pet’s mouth. This could lead to a variety of health problems that necessitate medical intervention. Tartar build-up is one of the main causes of tooth problems especially in vegetarian pets and aged pets. Other tooth problems include broken teeth, losing teeth altogether, inflammation of the gums, an abscessed tooth, and bad breath difficulties.

Dental Care

Our specialised services include ULTRA SONIC DENTAL SCALING for dental cleaning and DENTAL BRACES for bite-out correction etc.

Our veterinarian will conduct routine examination of your pet’s teeth during each session to determine if deterioration is occurring to minimize the chance of periodontal disease. Tooth extraction and other surgical procedures are conducted when medically necessary for the health of your pet.